Saturday, July 4, 2009

Garena SkinUpdated!! Get rid of typical garena skins now^^

Skin ICE 1.0 -made by TheReaper

Futurist 1.0 - made by iREVELATiON

Garena Blue - made by WyK

Simple Theme - made by iREVELATiON

Garena Zyk-Tech - made by WyK

A7XSkin v1.0 - made by [MoD]_MyStErY

Garena Fufu Ninja Skin - made by Skiverz

Three Stars and a Sun - made by xeon And of course the Default Red Garena Skin is included "


Ultimate Garena's Skin - by Ankur Mathur

I've just updated the files with game icon's (new g-games didn't have one) plus added UGS skin.

How to install:

1) Download the ZIP archive

2) Extract it

3) Copy all the files from "GarenaSkinsUpdated/" folder to original/hacked garena's folder

4) Start Garena, log in, go to settings->skin

5) Choose skin and restart Garena

credits to ~1st-Hacks~ forum


Dota 6.60b collided map. What is it?^^

Dota 6.60b is a new revolutionary map by icefrog. He made major changes in items , recipe, shops and all that.
I've been playing the new map and based on my experience, Tauren Chieftain is simply the most imba heroes ( without luxury items; besides, any hero will be imba when it has luxury items^^)

So, in this post, i will post some of my findings on the new map, and guess what, a Collided map of 6.60b is out already and people has used it for a long time since the 6.60b is out!!
(so, if u're playing on dota on garena and u being killed with impossible damage, here is the reason)

collided map is different than maphacks and all that, i never used map hacks since i was scared my account will be terminated by the admin. collided map is just about the same as original map posted in, its just have some modifications so that warcraft 3 path 1.22 and below would recognise the collided map is just the same as the original map.

so, lets get it started then.

1st, u need to download the collided map itself at


then, extract the rar files and the instruction is there.any questions? juz ask me

tips :
  • Doombringer password has been changed to -doombringer
  • the new update for garena recently will most likely make ur game crash and u dc ( disconnected) instantly.... based on some opinions, it will most likely crash at 39-40 mins of game time. somehow, the probability is 20% and below^^
  • i strongly discourage u to use this map since it less fun and kills the fun of playing Dota. remember: THIS IS ONLY FOR SHARING PURPOSE. I personally doesnt encourage people to play cheat. if u wanna play cheat, its ur choice to be a fag.

CREDITS TO ----Hillo---- and 5566

Garena CrushDie v.2.00 !!

For all the fags who into hacking and cheating in Garena here's something for you ^^,

  • Disabled Anti-Cheat-Engine
  • Disabled 5s Joining-Delay
  • Disabled some badboy messages
  • Enabled Mass EXP Hack
  • follow the tutorials via this video

credits to CrushDie

----> i aint using this since its not my style and i already in a position where i satisfied with my current c u at Garena!! ^^